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Bagua is one of the Three Sisters, the Chinese Internal Martial Arts (Xing Yi and Taiji being the other two). Developed in the backyards of Shanghai suburbs it equips the players with efficiency in a small space with a devastating power and focus.


Andrea Falk is one of the most experienced Chinese Wushu practicioners in the world. She is adept in all internal arts, travels the world teaching, refining and deepening her art. Her classes are sincerely beneficial to anyone who is interested in utilizing internal power in a martial arts framework, as her Bagua trains the body's structure to cultivate a heightened focus and concentrated power; her workshop a masterclass in Gung Fu, real in-depth learning of martial arts practice and principles.


Among Andrea’s great accomplishments are her translations of Wushu literature from Chinese and a Chinese-English martial arts dictionary. Her website,, contains a wealth of information to any martial arts practicioner.



beginner - intermediate Bagua

beginner - advanced general martial arts

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